Friday, July 12, 2013

"The Secret Life of Plants" an alternative way of viewing all matter in the universe

Who else is feeling like a more fun, funky piece on this feel good Friday?

I am.

There will be plenty of time for more serious matters to be discussed in future blog postings.

But, today, right here, right now, I feel like just basking in the wonder that is life on this little bubble of a planet floating in a vast and majestic universe... so let's do that.

So you have possibly heard about experiments that involve playing beautiful classical music to plants. If you have not, the premise is basically that you can take two plants, play classical music to one and not play classical music to the other. And even if all the other variables are identical... they both get the same amount of water, the same quality of soil, the same amount of sunlight, an so on... the one plant that listens (yes, I am saying the plant is listening, but I can get into that more later) to classical music will grow to be healthier and possibly more fruitful.

Ah, the possibilities just that could be discussed and pondered concerning the above point alone! It is lovely, isn't it? But, I will let you ponder that and press on.

What if your thoughts, you images you hold in your mind, your feelings and emotions, especially those that you held, and cherished and secretly fed...what if those thoughts produced a resonating, vibrating sound wave??? Like when you pluck a nice fat string on a bass guitar and it radiates outward at a low but fat frequency and some people can not quite pick it up, but it is rippling through the air and impacting things around it on a minuscule, molecular level. Let's just for a moment say that your deepest thoughts do do that, and let's say that the things they are impacting around them include every last little thing on this entire planet. Just for a moment consider that thought.

Okay, thanks for indulging me. I like you.

Now back to "The Secret Life of Plants"... this documentary is super ridiculous at moments like when you are watching snow melt, but I get what they are getting at. But the actual information and the studies they are discussing, when you do get to the actual substance of this documentary, will blow your mind. And it is worth considering and weighing this information for yourself. Roll it around in your head. Let it marinade. Weigh it against your intuition and your beliefs, and see what you think. It is an hour and a half, but you can forward through the parts where you are just watching flowers grow, if you please.

Here it is linked for you to watch for free, to enjoy and consider...

just because I like you.

If this link ever does stop working, you can find this work of art elsewhere I am sure. It is worth a look. This planet is just plain mindblowing, wonderful and amazing. This life is fantastic. And, I wish you every bit of deliciousness that there is to be had.

Life is your garden; dig it

Take care.

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