Monday, July 1, 2013

“The Corporation” an alternative to mindless consumerism

This documentary offers insight into the inner workings of the most powerful entities that are currently controlling our lives. Let's be frank for a second. We don't live in a democracy. Voters do not elect the president. Technically it is supposedly the electoral college...

But I have my own theories about our government and the federal reserve...

We don't live in an aristocracy where the people are governed by the best.

We live in an oligarchy where laws are made as a result of lobbyists who serve corporations.

We are taught and conditioned by corporations. They are very practiced at manipulating the way we think and feel. They make people feel like they need smart phones and designer shoes to fit in.

These corporations control so many aspects of our existence.

You might as well educate yourself about what is actually going on around you. What are corporations doing that could be considered immoral? What are they doing that could harm you, your kids, your mom? Knowledge and insight can be empowering. I want that for you.

You can check out this documentary for free. The makers of this documentary wanted you to be able to see it for free because they care more about you than they care about profit. It would be nice if the corporations felt the same way.

Here is the link. If the link stops working, I am sure you can still find this work elsewhere.

Wishing you everything wonderful.

Take care.

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