Wednesday, July 3, 2013

“Life After Life” an alternative approach to understanding life after death

So, do you really want to know what happens to your consciousness when your physical body dies? Do you want to better understand the true nature of the soul? Do you want to understand the true meaning of life? This is not a religious piece. I am talking about indepth objective studies of near death experiences to help those of us who are currently living on this planet better understand life, death, consciousness and really living well and getting the most out of the experience we have during this lifetime. Oh the truth and the meaningfulness contained in the details of these case studies are profound.

Raymond Moody's famous book “Life Before Life” came out decades ago. He had been researching the phenomenon of the near death experience for decades before that. He was researching this phenomenon at a time when it was not well known. Many of the people whom he interviewed about their experiences had never even heard of such a thing. So they could not be biased about what they thought their experience was supposed to be like. They were not biased by cultural concepts about what near death experiences should be like. Some of them had no idea anyone else had ever experienced such a thing. Moody would find these people and ask them just to explain their experiences. He did not tell them a thing about others' experiences at first. He did not ask them leading questions. He just asked them to tell him what they had experienced, recorded the information and drew comparisons between the experiences of hundreds of people who had experienced physical death and managed to regain consciousness.

The messages these people bring back are so profound. They also bring back information that is later confirmed to be true and that could not have been obtained through hallucination or delusion. You can read the book and weigh the facts for yourself. If you live in the states, I am sure you can request it at your local library and borrow it for free. I am linking a short documentary here, so you can get some of the information and beautiful insights without having to actually take any action, go out to a library and actually read something. I enjoy reading. But if you don't, that's your thing... here you go...

If the link ever stops working, please know there is a documentary entitled “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody and that I wish you could see it.
The book still is worth checking out and is one of the favorites in my collection... to know that we are in a sense immortal, to know that there is more to life than this material world, to know there is actual meaning to our existence is such an incredible thing... and this is not the only piece I would like to write on this topic. There are other books on this subject I would like to address in the future. But, here is this one for now.

I truly wish you everything that is wonderful in this entire universe. I wish you love and joy and peace and wisdom.

Take care.

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