Oh, wow. this is really an off way to bring myself back to blogging. I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation and I had been dreaming up beautiful, exciting topics to blog about. Those are still in my back pocket. And I do prefer blogging about beautiful, exciting, positive topics...
But just because I like to be an optimist does not mean I am not capable of realism. I can call out a false flag operation when I see one. If I see something that I know to be wrong and unjust, I am not going to just pretend I don't see it because that is what is easier or more conventional or "acceptable" or whatever.
I know today is September 11th. And many people have certain feelings about today. Our mainstream media has instilled in out culture certain beliefs about today.
They say things along the lines of: Never forget.
And they don't come out and exactly say this, but you get the impression that they are saying: Don't question the government. They are protecting you from terrorists. If you question the government and what they are doing for the protection of the American people, you are a terrorist
But I am not going to sit by and not say something if I believe there is an elephant in the room.
Our government has pulled false flag operations many times throughout history. If you don't know what that means... A rally around the flag event is an event that causes citizens to rally around a common identity and support their government. The terrorist attacks of September 11th could be cited as one example. A false flag event is an event that is staged or faked in order to produce the same effect. For more info on false flag events see this source:
It is important as a responsible citizen to educate one's self. If there is information out there, one should weigh and consider it for one's self. To not do so is cowardly and lazy. I'm just calling it what it is.
I stumbled across this video today, and it reminded me that I had been meaning to post about the other video "Loose Change" for some time now... And then I remembered that it was, well today... and I had been meaning to get back to blogging by now...
Here is a link to the video that i stumbled across motivated me today:
And it is funny when things line up like that sometimes. Do you ever feel like you were in the right place at the right time for a reason? That is how today feels. I know in my gut today is the day to post this particular blog.
I still have respect for our military. I still have reverence for all of those who have died for what they believe to be right and for those that were victims of the September 11th, 2001 attacks. And it is because of that that I feel it is important to speak out about what I know.
And i really do not think that it is such a taboo topic. I am of the belief that more and more people are conscious and aware of the reality of what is going on. I think people are becoming less afraid of admitting what is really going on.
Hunter S. Thompson was a bit of a rebel ahead of his time for asking the question "Who was to benefit from a thing like that; who had the equipment, who had the opportunity; who had the will?" and writing the things he did on the subject.
But today you are almost behind the times if you are not aware of the situation... the American government lies to the people; the government serves certain interests- not the interest of the general American public; we are not really a democracy or an aristocracy but rather an oligarchy. It is what it is.
And it is not unpatriotic to say so. America was founded because our founding fathers were sick of putting up with injustice. They were not about to be subjugated by a corrupt government. They stood up to injustice. They stood up for what they believed in and knew to be right.
Here is the video "Loose Change" so you can watch it for free. If this link ever stops working, just google it.
My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones 12 years ago today.
And much love to Hunter S. Thompson. Rock on where ever you are.
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