Friday, June 21, 2013

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" an awesome article on an alternative way to think about food and nutrition

This clever and concise article by Jared Diamond explains why almost everything in the grocery stores and supermarkets and most of the food we are currently mass-producing here in the united states is just plain wrong.

The way we are producing our food is wrong. The soil is overused, so the food produced has a decreasingly deficient nutritional value.

The packaged food on the shelves at the grocery stores will not nourish you. It will not help you feel healthy and live a full life. All it does is make you feel full.

Conversely, eating the way we ate while our species evolved will lead to optimal vibrancy, creativity, productivity, health and happiness.

More on alternatives to the standard American diet to come. I am just getting warmed up here.

But for now here is one of the most famous anthropological articles on nutrition. I recommend you give it a read. It might change your life.

If this link ever stops working, as they sometimes do, I am sure you can find the article elsewhere.

Life's a garden; dig it.

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