Friday, June 28, 2013

“Forks Over Knives” another lovely piece on an alternative to the standard American diet

In my last blog on an alternative to the standard American diet the famous anthropological article “the Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race” addressed dietary changes which occurred around 10,000 years ago when Homo sapiens adopted agriculture as a main means of sustenance. More simply put... 10,000 years ago our ancestors went from feeding themselves by foraging for and collecting plant foods that grew in the wild and hunting and scavenging for wild meat to a totally different way of feeding themselves. They took up farming. This change in turn led to an increase in health problems and people not living as healthy a life as they possibly could have otherwise. The archeological evidence is outlined in that article.

“Forks Over Knives” talks about another major shift in diet and eating habits that took place in America and other wealthy nations over the last century.

A hundred years ago people just simply were not eating as much meat. They were not eating as much dairy, and they were not eating eggs to the extent that they now are. They were not eating processed foods.

And there have been some serious health problems that have increased in direct correlation with the increase in consumption of these animal products and processed foods.

The effects which overconsumption of animal products can have on your health are pretty gross and can be deadly. At best it is simply robbing you of optimal health and wellbeing. The studies cited in this documentary are pretty mindblowing, and if one person benefits from seeing it, I would be stoked. You can prevent cancer. You can prevent heart attacks and strokes. It is awesome that this information is out there and readily available in an easy to view and easy to understand and appreciate sort of format.

I'm not saying you should stop eating meat. Do whatever you please. Those choices are up to you entirely. But if you do have kids, your life is not the only one you are affecting. All I am saying is that you might want to consider watching this documentary and examining other enlightened sources of information on this important topic and weigh the information for yourself.

As of right now, you can watch it on hulu for free. Here's a link. As always, if the link stops working, I am sure you could find this work elsewhere.

Whatever your choices, I wish you well and I wish you everything that is wonderful.

Life is your garden; dig it

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

“The Fluoride Deception” and can I figure out an alternative to letting myself be poisoned?

The facts are out there. Many studies have been done. Research papers have been written. There are a plethora of documentaries on the subject. Fluoridation of the drinking water is horribly detrimental to health and well being.

Let's break this down a bit. The local governments are adding fluoride to the tap water. Many living breathing human beings are drinking this stuff, bathing in this stuff and inhaling it in the form of steam as they take hot showers.

This stuff fluoride has been linked to all sorts of health problems. It is worth being concerned about if you have any desire to live a full healthy life.

It increases your risk for heart disease. And heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.

The fluoride scars and hardens your veins and arteries as it is coursing through them. They loose their suppleness and vitality.

That alone should hopefully generate some concern.

Fluoride calcifies you pineal gland. If you care at all about optimal brain function, this should really raise some concerns for you.

Fluoride is used in rat poison. Is that not a huge red flag???? It makes the rats' blood so thin that their hearts can no longer pump their blood.

There were a bunch of advertising campaigns decades ago to convince people that questioning the fluoridation of water was ignorant. I still talk to people now that believe that the fluoridation of water is a good thing. It drives me mad that these people are so duped and being poisoned.

And then there is me.... I still have not gotten a filter on my shower even though I am aware of the situation. I just do not think the filter is going to do shit. I am sure the fluoride and the chlorine will continue to poison me even if I get the filter. I filter my water from the tap from which I drink... but I am sure I am still ingesting the poison. I sometimes buy bottled spring water that has not been fluoridated... but the plastic molecules from the bottles are also poisonous. Fuck! What the hell am I to do?

You can get a still and distill your own water.

You can move to a place that does not fluoridate the water.

You can use well water.

There are solutions.

In the meantime while you are figuring out your own solutions and alternatives to being poisoned here is one of the many documentaries about the studies that link all sorts of health problems to the fluoridation of water.

Fluoride is industrial waste and it is poison.

Educate and protect yourself. You are precious. You deserve to live a beautiful, full, healthy life. It is your right.

Take care.

Monday, June 24, 2013

“Fahrenheit 9-11” an alternative view to the mainstream media's spin on 9/11

This is just one of many documentaries that examines the attacks that took place on September 11th 2001. I was 15 at the time, but many of the current college students were like 5 at the time. So, in case you are not familiar with the details... there was a presidential election in 2000. The results were questionable and highly suspect. It seemed the election had been rigged in favor of George W. Bush. It more than seemed... it was pretty glaring that there might as well not have even been an election. The American people were pretty pissed off. There was protesting at the presidential inauguration. The general sentiment was not very patriotic.

“What does any of this have to do with September 11th?” you may ask...

In political science there is a concept called “a rally 'round the flag event” which is basically an event that garners public attentions and generates a sentiment of patriotism. People will get behind the government after such events.

After September 11th, public sentiment had seriously shifted. Before September 11th questioning the government was a hot topic. After September 11th, if you questioned our government, you were kind of afraid of being considered a terrorist.

There was a lot of hype on the major news networks about “terrorists” who had supposedly been behind the attacks. The news channels would use the word “terrorists” dozens of times an hour so that the idea was engrained in the heads of anyone watching the news. There are plenty of documentaries that get into discussing whether “terrorists” or whoever the news networks fingered for the attacks were actually involved. We can discuss those documentaries and “false flag” events another time.

“Fahrenheit 9-11” discusses more in depth how after those attacks, the American government seemingly used those attacks as a “rally 'round the flag event” to pursue two wars with two countries that were in no way connected with the attacks.

With the help of the mainstream media, the government generated a belief that Arabs or Muslims or some sort of middle-easterners were responsible for the attack. Suddenly you have all these impressionable young men talking about wanting to “kill me some rag heads”...

The news was constantly taking about the “terror level” or something like that... Like we had to be afraid of another attack and the threat had better not be forgotten. It was basically this color coded construct used to constantly remind us that we should be afraid and that we need the military to protect us.

When our government passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (or NAFTA) in 1994 I was like 9, so many of today's college students were not even born. They won't remember the controversy around it. NAFTA basically made it much easier to send all of the factory jobs over seas. So, for many young men who would have made a living working such jobs, it left them pretty fucked. The military, however is touted as an excellent job opportunity. They will receive exceptional pay. They will receive training.

And then they were sent over seas to the middle east to kill civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of these civilians, if not all of them are innocent. These civilians in Afghanistan had been invaded by Russia in previous decades, and if they have become a bit militant, it may be from constantly having to defend their homeland from invaders. They might just be a product of their environment. If someone came into my home town with flame throwers and tanks and attempted to burn down buildings, shoot people and burn people alive, I have no idea what I would do. Some people might use guerrilla warfare tactics to fight back. I'm just glad I am not posed with the situation, and I dislike hypothetical questions.

But, to get back to the actual documentary “Fahrenheit 9-11”, it discusses how the September 11th attacks were used to legitimize wars that were in no way connected to these attacks.

It does not really discuss in depth how George W. Bush's family has ties with munitions companies and oil companies that profited immensely off of those wars. But maybe that would be something to touch on in the future.

It does not touch on shell shock or post traumatic stress disorder and how horribly that affects the young men that are sent over seas to do the killing... but that is a whole nother topic as well.

For now, here is the current youtube link to the documentary. If this link stops working,
I am sure you can find this documentary elsewhere

take care 

Friday, June 21, 2013

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" an awesome article on an alternative way to think about food and nutrition

This clever and concise article by Jared Diamond explains why almost everything in the grocery stores and supermarkets and most of the food we are currently mass-producing here in the united states is just plain wrong.

The way we are producing our food is wrong. The soil is overused, so the food produced has a decreasingly deficient nutritional value.

The packaged food on the shelves at the grocery stores will not nourish you. It will not help you feel healthy and live a full life. All it does is make you feel full.

Conversely, eating the way we ate while our species evolved will lead to optimal vibrancy, creativity, productivity, health and happiness.

More on alternatives to the standard American diet to come. I am just getting warmed up here.

But for now here is one of the most famous anthropological articles on nutrition. I recommend you give it a read. It might change your life.

If this link ever stops working, as they sometimes do, I am sure you can find the article elsewhere.

Life's a garden; dig it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Who Killed the Electric Car" an alternative to dependence on fossil fuels

At work today someone used the phrase "an oldie but a goodie." I guess that sort of sums up the way I feel about the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car." I saw it in 2007 when much of the information was still fresh, but it is still so very pertinent today.

The documentary discussed how lobbyists for oil companies in conjunction with car manufacturing companies suppressed the mass marketing of electric cars.

People wanted these cars. There were waiting lists and people ready to buy them.

But, if these cars would have became popular, the oil companies, the already ridiculously wealthy individuals that profit off of all the gasoline we are required to purchase while using conventional vehicles... you can imagine how this would impact their profits.

Basically, you do not have to be dependent on fossil fuels.

You do not have to pay four dollars a gallon for gasoline.

You do not have to inundate the atmosphere with pounds upon pounds of CO2 just to get from point A to point B.

The effects of CO2 (carbon dioxide) do not just harm our planet's ecosystem. Children growing up in these polluted environments are developing asthma and other breathing problems. Adults living in these polluted environments are more likely to develop lung cancer.

There are many reasons to consider kicking fossil fuels to the curb.

Sick of paying too much for gas?

Sick of breathing polluted air?

Sick of letting oil companies profit off of poisoning people?

"Who Killed the Electric Car" is an insightful documentary that addresses these concerns.

I will link the documentary here so you can watch it for free on youtube... but if the link ever stops working, I'm sure you can find it elsewhere.

More to come on alternatives to fossil fuels.

Take care.