my last blog on an alternative to the standard American diet the
famous anthropological article “the Worst Mistake in the History of
the Human Race” addressed dietary changes which occurred around
10,000 years ago when Homo sapiens adopted agriculture as a main
means of sustenance. More simply put... 10,000 years ago our
ancestors went from feeding themselves by foraging for and collecting
plant foods that grew in the wild and hunting and scavenging for wild
meat to a totally different way of feeding themselves. They took up
farming. This change in turn led to an increase in health problems
and people not living as healthy a life as they possibly could have
otherwise. The archeological evidence is outlined in that article.
Over Knives” talks about another major shift in diet and eating
habits that took place in America and other wealthy nations over the
last century.
hundred years ago people just simply were not eating as much meat.
They were not eating as much dairy, and they were not eating eggs to
the extent that they now are. They were not eating processed foods.
there have been some serious health problems that have increased in
direct correlation with the increase in consumption of these animal
products and processed foods.
effects which overconsumption of animal products can have on your
health are pretty gross and can be deadly. At best it is simply
robbing you of optimal health and wellbeing. The studies cited in
this documentary are pretty mindblowing, and if one person benefits
from seeing it, I would be stoked. You can prevent cancer. You can
prevent heart attacks and strokes. It is awesome that this
information is out there and readily available in an easy to view and
easy to understand and appreciate sort of format.
not saying you should stop eating meat. Do whatever you please. Those
choices are up to you entirely. But if you do have kids, your life is
not the only one you are affecting. All I am saying is that you might
want to consider watching this documentary and examining other
enlightened sources of information on this important topic and weigh
the information for yourself.
of right now, you can watch it on hulu for free. Here's a link. As
always, if the link stops working, I am sure you could find this work
your choices, I wish you well and I wish you everything that is
is your garden; dig it