Thursday, June 18, 2020

Powerful Outcomes Through Intentionality

Why does so much of mass media center around negative events? Are they trying to shift your focus?

Positive things happen. Every individual has the ability to use their intention to focus on and bring about positive outcomes. It is way more profound than you think.

In 1993 a study was conducted where over four thousand volunteers meditated daily for several weeks. These dedicated volunteers synchronously focused their meditation, intentionality and attention around the desired outcome of increasing the peace in Washington D.C., and by the end of the experiment the violent crime rate in that city had decreased by over twenty-three percent. This outcome is far beyond what could statistically be considered a significant correlation. Scientifically it was considered a success.

Now in 1993 I was in the third grade, and I was unaware of this study. But I learned about it in my very early twenties. But learning about this study really opened my eyes to this sort of research. I found the outcome of this study amazing. The implications of the outcome of this study are even more amazing. I was compelled to research meditation. I was also compelled to seek out other studies that centered around people using their intentionality to impact outcomes. 

Knowing that this study existed made me more aware of my own ability to focus my intention as a means of bringing about more positive outcomes in the world around me. I like to draw on this concept when I am at work, when I am out with friends, when I am out and about living my life and definitely when I attend classes. 

Focus on the good in the world. Visualize bringing greater good to the world. The outcome is surely to be better as a result. Either way, it beats the alternative for sure!

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