Thursday, June 18, 2020

Powerful Outcomes Through Intentionality

Why does so much of mass media center around negative events? Are they trying to shift your focus?

Positive things happen. Every individual has the ability to use their intention to focus on and bring about positive outcomes. It is way more profound than you think.

In 1993 a study was conducted where over four thousand volunteers meditated daily for several weeks. These dedicated volunteers synchronously focused their meditation, intentionality and attention around the desired outcome of increasing the peace in Washington D.C., and by the end of the experiment the violent crime rate in that city had decreased by over twenty-three percent. This outcome is far beyond what could statistically be considered a significant correlation. Scientifically it was considered a success.

Now in 1993 I was in the third grade, and I was unaware of this study. But I learned about it in my very early twenties. But learning about this study really opened my eyes to this sort of research. I found the outcome of this study amazing. The implications of the outcome of this study are even more amazing. I was compelled to research meditation. I was also compelled to seek out other studies that centered around people using their intentionality to impact outcomes. 

Knowing that this study existed made me more aware of my own ability to focus my intention as a means of bringing about more positive outcomes in the world around me. I like to draw on this concept when I am at work, when I am out with friends, when I am out and about living my life and definitely when I attend classes. 

Focus on the good in the world. Visualize bringing greater good to the world. The outcome is surely to be better as a result. Either way, it beats the alternative for sure!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Use Positive Psychology to Improve Your Life

Have you had to deal with anything stressful or challenging lately? In life we all sometimes have to deal with more difficult situations. Even the luckiest of us will sometimes experience loss or disappointment. The trick is knowing how to best handle these inevitably trying situations to maximize the positive outcome. The cutting edge research in positive psychology is helping experts and regular people alike in figuring out how to optimize human potential by better managing all of life's varying situations.

You may or may not have heard of positive psychology, but it has been around for decades. It is the scientific study of learning how we can work towards optimizing the quality of our lives. It is founded on the belief that if we cultivate our potential on an individual level, we can enhance the quality of our lives in every facet including interpersonal relationships, professional endeavors and personal pursuit of our goals and dreams. This will in turn improve society as a whole.

A recent study in France analyzed the effectiveness of positive psychology in its ability to benefit individuals of all sorts of varying personality types and weighed the data collected against that of a control group. It utilized statistical analysis of a variety of numeric data to quantify results, and the results were published in the “Individual Differences in the Effects of a Positive Psychology Intervention: Applied Psychology.” This article asserts that thinking negative thoughts diminishes the ability to find positive solutions and most effectively problem solve. (140) This concept is expanded upon by going on to say “On the other hand, positive emotions broaden individuals' attentional field and thought-action repertoire. New ideas and actions build resources that can be implemented in various situations” (140). Basically if you can train your thought patterns to stay positive, you can open up the problem-solving ability of your brain to more effectively find the best positive solution to situations. If you think negative thoughts, you are limiting your problem-solving abilities and more probably to get stuck on a loop also known as ruminating or fuming. If you had the ability to most effectively utilize your brain's optimal potential for problem-solving and finding answers to that which life throws at you, wouldn't you want to tap that ability to the utmost?

The study sought to teach the participants techniques for correcting their thought patterns as a way to optimize problem solving ability and ultimately increase positive outcomes. These techniques in mindfulness and thought regulation were “...easily self-administered and to not require clinician intervention. Our approach aimed to address the need to disseminate alternative, innovative, cost-effective and evidence-based self-help psychological tools” (141). These techniques in mindfulness, thought recognition and self-regulation were shown to diminish depression, anxiety, stress and other mental manifestations that ultimately impact both our responses to situations and our physiological well-being.

As society increasingly moves away from just simply treating the symptoms of depression and anxiety via harmful prescription drugs and moves towards uplifting and empowering the individual as a means of improving the human-being's daily experience we will begin to see a growth in overall well-being as a whole. An increase in health and well being is a beautiful thing on an individual level, but think about what impact this could have on society as a whole. If individuals are better able to problem-solve as well as contribute to the well-being of the people around them, humanity in general would be infinitely benefited. So the next time you are faced with a stressful or challenging situation remember that your thoughts and attitude can greatly impact your ability to handle the situation and affect the emotions and the outcomes you experience.

Works Cited
Antoine, Pascal et al. “Individual Differences in the Effects of a Positive Psychology Intervention: Applied Psychology.” Personality and Individual Differences 122 (2018): 140–147. Web.

Pull Off the Perfect Beach Picnic

Hollywood makes the beach look romantic and glamorous, but there are a few tricks you need to know to help keep your beach side picnic clean and classy rather than sandy. If you are not a seasoned seaside expert, I have the expertise to prepare you for an afternoon of beach picnic bliss. You will impress your friends and make memories that will last a lifetime.

First it is important to pick a decent day for your picnic. Luckily weather forecasts are usually pretty accurate and can prevent a possible disaster. You will want to pay attention to more than just the rain forecast. Things to also watch for are high temperatures and wind speeds. You will not want it to be too hot, and you will especially not want a windy day as this will blow sand everywhere.
Tide schedules are worth checking out in advance as well. If you set up your picnic close to the water at low tide and forget to account for waves pushing in, you are one rouge wave away from having your provisions pulled out to sea. There are web sites like that will tell you everything you would want to know like water temperature, potential hazards and how far in or out the tide is going to be.

Once you have figured out the perfect day and the tides, the trick is to set up the perfect site. If the tide is going out, you can get closer to the water. If the tide is pushing in, you will want to be a little further back. Pick a spot that is free from rocks and rather smooth. Clear a few rocks to the side if need be. Start by putting down a large, flat bed sheet, and put a rock, a bag, a shoe or something weighty at each of the four corners. Put your beach bag, cooler or picnic basket at the edge of the blanket closest to the water as this will block the on shore breeze. This will establish your seaside oasis. Take your shoes off when you enter the oasis in order to keep it from getting too sandy. From here you can add beach towels, blankets, pillows, a beach umbrella or two or whatever accouterments you desire.

Bringing some chill tunes along can definitely add to your relaxing atmosphere. A small speaker that hooks up to your phone or an acoustic guitar will be audible over the breaking waves. Might I recommend Jack Johnson's Brushfire Fairytales?

Pack light finger foods that are easy to eat. Veggies with dip or hummus, chips with salsa or guacamole, grapes or cubed watermelon are good options. Sandwiches or wraps are easy picnic foods for packing and eating. Keeping food behind the breeze blocking barrier you established earlier is wise to keep sand from blowing all over your fare.

If you do bring along adult beverages, it is wise to put them in nondescript, reusable beverage containers. Some beaches do not allow drinking on the beach. But if you are discrete and respectful, most lifeguards really do not mind. As long as you are not littering or causing problems you should be fine.

Take pictures, and enjoy the moment. These are the days that you will want to remember for the rest of your life. Soak it up. Life is good.