Thursday, July 16, 2015

Alternative Cures to Cancer

With the percentage of the American population that is diagnosed with cancer being exceptionally high, I do not think there are really many topics more important than this one. If you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, it is important that you evaluate many sources of information regarding cancer treatment.

You can not simply trust medical doctors to tell you everything you need to know about cancer. As with anything, it is important that you educate yourself with all of the information on which you can get your hands and then evaluate what you know by making use of your own reasoning.

Happily, we live in a day and age when information is widely available. It is important that we cherish this luxury.

Many sources question conventional methods of treating cancer. Some people go beyond questioning doctors whom will only treat their patients with chemo, radiation and surgery. Actually, lots of people are now saying those conventional doctors are money-hungry murders.

But, doctors are not even technically allowed to tell you about natural or alternative methods for curing cancer. The companies that make the chemo drugs have way too much at stake. Drug companies make billions every year off sales to sick and dying people whom they poison. Its nothing personal; its business. And, drug companies have such a hold on the FDA and government agencies. These agencies do everything in their power to prevent people from learning about effective, natural alternative cures to cancer.

For more information regarding this topic so you can educate your self, I would recommend the books “Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About” by Kevin Trudeau and “Healing Cancer from Inside Out” by Mike Anderson. Those two are great and can get you started down the rabbit hole.

And, here is an easy to digest and nifty documentary called “Cancer: The Forbidden Cures” which you can watch for free.

If the link ever stops working, you can google it.

Educate yourself and live well!

Wishing you everything wonderful in this world.

Life's a garden; dig it.

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