Friday, September 20, 2013

“Use Your Brain to Change Your Age” is a wonderful alternative to conventional beliefs about liner aging

I have mentioned this book in other pieces and papers I have written, but I feel it is so amazing that it warrants its own piece.
I am absolutely obsessed with optimal living. What if we as a species all got ridiculously healthy? What if we were functioning at optimal capacity? What if our brain was functioning at optimal capacity? What would the world look like?

It would be a much more gorgeous place, that is for sure. When people are living in optimal health, they look more vibrant and fit and younge.

It would be a much more peaceful and blissful place. When people are in optimal health, their brain is more perfectly able to regulate hormones and other chemicals that result in a more peaceful and blissful existence.

When people are living in an optimal state and their brains are functioning at an optimal level they are more equipped and capable of creating a more perfect, wonderful world around themselves. They are more apt to contribute to the wellbeing of others/ loved ones/ whoever/whatever.

I honestly believe there is an infinite optimacy to brain functioning and that with optimal nutrition, exercise and meditation (among other things), that the figurative envelope can continually ever be pushed in a more positive direction.

This book “Use Your Brian to Change Your Age” can give you a nice push in the right direction. Here is a link with a little bit of information about the book to get you intrigued. The video includes a sales pitch, but if you live in the states, you can probably check it out at your local library for free. I did.

After you read that one, there are all sorts of other rabbit holes you can travel down.

But for now I am just going to wish you everything that is wonderful and beautiful in this mindblowing universe.

 Life is your garden; dig it.

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