i just recently downloaded all of my myspace blog that had been previously unattainable.
it is a fortunate thing that i got around to it when i did. in about a week the opportunity would have been gone forever. but i downloaded them, and now i am pasting the first blog i ever wrote about anticonsumerism. i wrote this impulsive blog more than five years ago, but its cute to think back. i think that girl was cute in her convictions. the girl that i am presently still believes that cultural dissemination is really the answer, the key for making this world a better place. and i do intend to produce more posts related to profound articles that demonstrate and communicate that point. communication. is there anything more meaningful in human existence???
okay, I must post this and get on with my day. But, for now, i would like to wish you everything that is wonderful in this world.
Subject | Anticonsumerism |
DateCreated | 4/26/2008 4:43:00 PM |
PostedDate | 4/26/2008 4:04:00 PM |
Body | Okaaay. Maybe not complete anticonsumerism. I don't want you to starve or anything. It's really more about concientiousness- paying attention, knowing what your purchases support, and using that incredible power to make the world exactly as you would like it. It is actually knid of invigorating when you think of it. You have power. Through deliberation and intention and direction we can create whatever reality we want. The current order of things seems to be more the product of complaciency than born of much contemplation. (i guess i'll just go get a hamburger cuz i don't really know what i want and the tv says its good and easy) Without knowing or intending it our country has been depleting resources, destroying our planet and lifesource and in the process deteriorating their health and very essence. I don't want my future progeny to watch me die at 60 when i know well and good and i am telling you that i could live a full and satifying life well into my damn 100's. There is information on proper nutrition. It is not torturous to eat healthy. That is some bullshit. Of course the companies that fund any tv programing (be it a sit com, a talk show, or even a special on "health") wouldn't want you to think this way. they make much more of a profit by feeding you crap all the while their minions reinforce the idea that you like it. (think cartoons that portray kids who eat their vegitables as "weird". Weird basically seems to translate as likely to be unpopular/ not get laid. Good way to scare 'em.) Basically i am telling you you can eat healthy, you will enjoy it way more than you now realize, it is actually much more affordable to eat smart and simply, you will look and feel great, and you might even possibly still get laid.- that last one i can't vouch for. So, what does this have to do with anticonsumerism? Let them know you won't lay down and let them poison you, your peers, your progeny. Make concious choices. Think before you spend. Research where your money is going and what it is supporting. It is easy to do and indescribly rewarding. Support local industry. farmers markets (so very fresh and tasty), locally grown produce (this also will benefit your local economy), american-made products (imports are nice sometimes-i love bordeaux, but our economy is important too), second hand (this is doubly cool for not only do you have a better understanding of where the profits are going usually, but it also means wasting few resources- making this practice particularlly high-five-worthy), finding natural ways to spend your time (walking, surfing, dancing, playing board games, listening to music, hanging with family and freinds, laughing- all good for you and your environment) So yah that is just the tip of the iceberge right there. - but it is easy to make more concious choices. Think for yourself and decide what type of reality your intentions are going to create. Eat an apple and plant the seeds- or do whatever- but make it your own. Figure out what you like and live it. peace and love |